Thursday, September 14, 2017

Have you ever heard funny condom facts?

Here are some condom fun facts which will make you laugh.

1. In Italy, long long ago they would use “English overcoat” to refer to the condom.

2. In England, a few people still use “French letter” for a condom.

3. Condoms are one ofthe most common ways to smuggle powder-drugs across international borders.They are filled with drugs, tied and swallowed. Often, the condom will leak and the smuggler will overdose or even die.

4. Malcolm X sold the condomon the street for a profit, when he was young.

5. Historians have refused the popular method saying that it is Dr. Condom (physician to Charles II)behind the invention of the condoms.

6. Most condoms can hold at least 5 liters of milk.

If you are interested in buying condoms, please contact us condom factory.

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