Monday, September 11, 2017

Are condoms safe to use for sex?

The answer is Yes. Condoms are very safe to use. There are essentially no risks in using condoms unless you have a latex allergy – in which case alternatives are available. It’s important to use the right size wrapper for your tool. If you use condoms uncomfortable to wear, you must have the wrong size (try them all out, and change a new one).

Condoms are the cheapest and most readily available way to take care of your sexual health, however, they don’t do the trick for everyone. Condoms also leave the some of the power in a sexual dynamic with the incentive partner and they only protect you if you take it out of your pocket and slip it on.

If condoms are the best method for you to protect yourself it’s important to keep up a regular testing regime. For sexually active gay men, or other males who have sex with men it’s a good idea to get tested every three months. Seasonal testing is a great way to keep your healthy.

You can also use a test-reminder service to test to schedule a reminder direct to your phone or email. Safe condom supplier. Email:

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