Since the results of HIV transmission studies indicate, being made of material impermeable to HIV in a laboratory (such as, latex or polyurethane) is not sufficient to ensure that condoms will offer complete protection during real-life usage. Condoms can fail are mainly the following reasons, including
failure to use them consistently,
failure to use them properly,
condom breakage,
condom slippage.
Studies of latex condom performance during human use reported breakage and slippage rates varies from 1.5% to 18.58%.Use of a thicker condom for anal sex and having more personal efficacy and experience in using condoms were associated with lower failure rates. Moreover, Research evidence suggests that improper use of latex condoms can make condoms more susceptible to breakage. When polyurethane condoms were introduced, questions were raised almost immediately as to their safety compared to latex condoms. In a short word, it was asserted that polyurethane condoms were more prone to breakage and slippage, and this delayed the approval FDA of one brand of polyurethane condom. Although the FDA eventually determined that the polyurethane condoms are safe for consumer use, six studies have since addressed this question. Three of the six studies found equivalent low rates of breakage and slippage between the two condom types; One is polyurethane condoms to have higher breakage but equivalent slippage rates compared to latex condoms; The other is higher breakage and higher slippage rates with polyurethane condoms; and the one study that showed only breakage found higher rates with polyurethane condoms. It should be emphasized that the breakage and slippage rates of polyurethane condoms are not unacceptably high, and using polyurethane condoms is still considered safer sex practice for those people unable to use latex condoms.
All studies on condom efficacy were conducted with heterosexual couples performing vaginal sex. It is believed that condom failure rates may be higher for anal sex. Please use condoms consistently and correctly to make your sex life safe and fun. OEM brand condom factory and manufacturers. Email:
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