Monday, May 22, 2017

For safe sex is always use a condom.

For safe sex is always use a condom. But has the well-intentioned person who created that rule actually been down the condom aisle lately? Between the ribbed, dotted, long love, magnum, warming, and flavored condoms, it’s easy to get a little overwhelmed and more than a little confused. How do you know which size is right? And will something scary happen if you opt for the glow-in-the-dark option?

The most important strategy to staying safe is to get informed. Despite any claims to the contrary, there is a condom out there for everyone. It’s just a matter of finding the right one. And if you think you’re home free because you or your partner are on birth control, are both male, or can’t conceive for any reason, think again. Condoms have a lot more going for them than a 98 percent effectiveness rate at preventing pregnancy (when used correctly). They reduce the risk of STIs including HIV, are low-cost, easy to access, easy to dispose of, generally have low risk of side effects, and can even make sex more pleasurable since they reduce stress over infection and pregnancy.

OEM condoms factory will provide every client with the highest quality service, absolute best pricing and a broad range of innovative product choices. Our service, pricing and product selection will contribute to the reduction of preventable HIV/STI infections. OEM condom manufacturers and suppliers. Email:

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