Thursday, December 1, 2016

ill polyurethane condoms make a difference to your sexual experience?

If you are allergic to latex then latex-free condoms will make a big difference .Youwill be free from all the usual allergic reactions. No more burning, itching orpainful sex. In fact, quite the opposite - based on research and feedback, many of you have a preference for latex-free condoms and not just because of anallergic reaction to latex. A lot of people buy them as your personal preference having had no reaction at all to latex.

Polyurethane condoms create a much thinner condom which make you feel as close as possibleto the real thing, using less material to separate the penis and vagina. The thinner material leads to a heightened sensation for both of you. They alsotransmit heat better than latex. With a higher heat conductivity comes addedsensation and warmth to make the feeling for both of you as close as possibleto a naked penis. They also don’t have that distinct latex smell we all recognizeand some of customers say they feel softer and more elastic than their latex condom, again adding to that natural real feeling. Know more information about polyurethane condoms email:

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