Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What is Ideal condoms for male and female?

Condoms have been shown to be effective in preventing HIV infection if used correctly. People often don’t use condoms to avoid suspicion or arguments because it doesn’t feel like the real thing, So what is the perfect condom for male and female? People described the ideal condom as thin enough to feel "as natural as possible", colorful but transparent enough to still be able to see the penis and tight on the end. When asked about scent, strawberry came out tops and Choice’s "rubber–like" smell was a no–no. Women wanted smooth, plain condoms without studs but men got this all wrong: most believed women preferred "studded, contoured, spiked and ribbed condoms".

There are types of condoms currently, the one will always suitable for you. Email: linda@oemcondoms.com

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