Best condom can offer you pleasure and safety. If you or your partner has an infection which can be passed on through sex, you are more at risk from oral without condoms or dams. So if you or your partner does have an infection then it’s a good idea to use condoms or dams to prevent getting or giving them, or avoid unprotected oral if you are infectious.
Sometimes people know they have an infection and sometimes they don’t know (because often STIs don’t have recognizable symptoms). Sometimes people may have an infection and don’t want to tell the other person. For this reason it might be worth you going to a sexual health service and having a chat with a health adviser or someone else who can offer you some one-to-one advice.
Special STIs that may be transmitted orally might be more common with particular people. For example I used to work in a local clinic where there were loads of cases of an infection in that area which can be passed on orally that is not at all common. This is how STIs work, they affect a bunch of people who are all having sex with each other. This can be where they live, or which kinds of people they have sex with. So a sexual health clinic might be able to offer you some advice about whether you need be using condoms or not for oral. These risks are the same for oral sex on the anus, but there are risks of other infections from this too.
When you’re considering the risks of sex you should also think about the rewards too. Most things that are worth doing involve taking some risks. With sex we can reduce the risks until they are very low indeed, but there are always some risks of some kind. You need to weigh up the risks of getting an infection from unprotected oral sex with the pleasure of what unprotected oral gives you. As a OEM condom manufacturer, we produce dental dam and flavored condom with your own brand for your safe oral sex. Email:
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