Monday, February 5, 2018

Are you at the risk of STIs? Best condoms protect you.

STDS are sometimes known as Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). An STI is any infection which is passed by body fluids during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. These fluids include semen (cum), vaginal fluids (the wetness in the vagina) and blood. If you are sexually active you may be at risk for STIs. Remember, when you have sex with someone, you are potentially exposed to STIs that anyone they’ve had sex with before you may have had.

You may have heard them referred to by funny names, so to set the record straight, some common tips of STIs, are listed below:

AIDS-HIV(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome/Human Immune-Deficiency Virus)


GONORRHEA (Clap, Drip, GC)



SYPHILIS(Syph, The Pox)


(GENITAL) WARTS(HPV) Human Papillomavirus

If used properly, latex condoms will help to reduce the risk of transmission of HIV infection (AIDS) and many other sexually transmitted diseases. Male latex condoms are as a barrier to prevent these fluids from being exchanged. But, an STI can also be spread by contact with the skin of the genital or anal area if infection is present. It can also be spread by contact inside of the mouth. Use flavored condom or dental dam to protect oral sex.

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