Thursday, October 26, 2017

Our condoms mainly have six different range.

Plain condoms/regular condoms
These are plain and natural color condoms which is thin and soft but very strong provides extra sensitivity.
Textured condoms
Three types: Dotted, Ribbed condom and 3 in 1 condom
The original ribbed condom and dotted condoms with textured ribs and dots to provide maximum sensation. All are lubricated for a comfortable natural feeling. Reservoir tip added for comfort and safety.
Flavored condoms
A tasty assortment of flavors and colors for extra fun and excitement. Our varieties of flavors are available, strawberry, orange, cherry, banana, and vanilla just to mention a few. All are lubricated for a comfortable, natural feeling. Reservoir tip added for comfort and safety.
Colored condoms
Different of colors is available.
Red, yellow, blue, green, black or any other color you like Lubricated for a natural feeling.
Spermicidal condoms
Spermicidal condoms contain the spermicidal Nonoxynol-9, which has been proven effective in killing sperm in lab tests, are available within all types.
Female condom
Female condoms are an alternative to regular condoms. They provide pretty much the same great contraceptive protection from pregnancy and STDs.
Spike condom
Our spike condoms are made of rubber thorns which are designed for the most natural sensation and maximum protection.
We produce condoms made from premium quality latex material which helps to reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Condoms are talc free and triple-tested to offer the highest quality and maximum reliability. Best condom manufacturer. Email:

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