Thursday, June 29, 2017

Looking for the best fit condoms.

Condoms are considered a good fit if the circumference of the condom is in tune with that of the penis. A condom which is too large can easily slip off, while one which is too tight is uncomfortable and risk of tearing is greater. The length of the condom is less important, but should be as close to the length of the penis as possible. The thickness of the condoms can play a role in the condom’s comfort. A well-fitted condom insures reliability, is more comfortable to use and provides good protection against STIs and pregnancy.

In order to decide your condom size, condom manufacturers start from an average measurement. Manufacturers do not, however, start with the same standard for measuring the average condom. It is therefore possible which a so called ‘large‘ condom from one manufacturer is the same as a ‘regular‘ from another. Larger size condom manufacturers, Small condom suppliers. Email:

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