Monday, January 9, 2017

Choose right material of condom

To have safe sex, choose the right material for yourself. Lambskin condoms have microscopic holes that, while small enough to stop the sperm, are big enough to allow viruses safe passage. These condoms, therefore, do not offer adequate protection against HIV. If you are allergic to latex (or if you simply want the safest option), consider polyurethane condoms. Although they are more expensive, they’re thinner and stronger than latex condoms, nonporous and nonpermeable to all viruses (including HIV), hypoallergenic, safe to use with oil-based products, and heat conductive, which is supposed to make them transmit sensations between partners better. As a condom factory, we can supply you different kinds material of condom, such as polyurethane, polyisoprene and latex condom. Email:

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